Knowledge weighs nothing but the lack of preparation for the unexpected can weigh more than some can carry.

Randy Salazar, SOSC Instructor
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- Lifetime member of one of the oldest Mountaineering clubs in the country the Ilo-ilo Mountaineering Club (IMC)
- Western Visayas Caving Association member & Trainer
- Philippine Speleological Society (PSS) member
- PAC-Cebu Safety Officer
- Camp Red Bushcraft & Survival Guild Vice Headshed
- PCC 2018 Open Divission Champion

Dennis “Shio” Cortes, SOSC Instructor
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- Over 2 decades of being a local SAR volunteer
- Strat-Ops Safety Solutions CEO/Founder
- Nature-wildlife-bushcraft/survival Enthusiast
- DRRM/Industrial Safety practitioner
- Scuba Diving Educator

Jing De Egurrola, SOSC Instructor
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- Camp Red Bushcraft & Survival Guild Founder
- Writer | Author
- Outdoors Educator
- Explorer
- Adventure Guide
- Bushmaster
- Knife Carry Rights Advocate
- Thruhiker | Pilgrim

Martin “Nonoi” Ibañez II, SOSC Instructor
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- SAR volunteer for 23 years
- Mountaineer & Survival Enthusiast
- Health safety & security practitioner
- Radio communicator/operator
- AFP Reservist

Verlind Estrada Basira, SOSC Instructor
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- Mountaineering Federation of the Philippines Inc. (MFPI) Certified Instructor
- MFPI Board of trustee
- Strat-Ops Safety Solutions Facilitator
- Kabalikat Radiocom Metro Cebu President

Ernie Salomon, SOSC Instructor
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- Camp Red Bushcraft & Survival Guild Co-Founder / Member
- Bushcraft Instructor
- Camp Fixer | Educator

Cydrick Quijano, SOSC Instructor
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- Mountaineering Federation of the Philippines (MFPI) – National Search and Rescue Team Member
- Cebu Volunteer Search and Rescue, Inc. VP-Admin
- Amateur Radio License Holder – Class B
- Avid Outdoor | Survival Enthusiast

Alitzur “Bon-bon” Rustilla, SOSC Instructor
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- Wildlife conservationist
- Outdoor Educator | COE Co-Founder
- Visayas Native Tree Enthusiasts (VNTE) Founding member
- Haribon Foundation Cebu coordinator
- Former Risk Management Personnel