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Wilderness First Aid Training FAQs

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🚩 What to expect during this class?

– A 2Days & 1Night immersive wilderness first aid class with learning foundations on Basic Life Support (BLS) & CPR, wound care, bandaging, improvisation skills, and attending common outdoor emergencies with a simulation exercise on the 2nd Day.

🚩Does this class have a prerequisite?

– None but it will be an advantage if you have backgrounds in medical trainings such as BLS, BFA, SFA and the likes.

🚩 What gear do I need to bring?

– Basic camping equipment for an overnighter trip such as: Clothing, camping shelter (tent/tarps), food & hydration needs, cooking & mess kit, illumination/flashlights, cutting tools, IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit)

🚩 What are the training equipments needed?

– Utility rope at least 9mm (static or dynamic) 4-5 meters in length, PPE helmet if available, hand gloves, and something to takes notes with if you wish. We’ll provide all the other things needed for your survival adventure training.

🚩 Age Requirements?

– This course is appropriate for ages 14+, however it is a fast-paced learning experience geared towards teens and adults. Minors must be accompanied by a participating guardian or parent.

This class is highly RECOMMENDED FOR:

Avid hikers, teachers leading school trips, backcountry guides, trip leaders, private expedition groups, college/university outdoor education programs, hiking club trip leaders, wilderness therapeutic programs, and adventure race safety personnel.

🚩 How to register?

– Simply follow this link on our website at

🚩 What are the payment options?

– Bank transfers, e-wallets, payment centers & other options available at the site.

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