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Intro to Outdoors Program: Hike, Camp & Learn

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Same day last year we did the Hike, Camp & Learn. We chose Tabunan to Mt. Manunggal as our venue where we hiked for kilometers of neverending ascent and camped at the historical camping grounds in Manunggal.

On Day 01: After ackowledging ourselves via courtesy call to Tabunan LGU, we started crossing rivers and hiked up to Tabunan hills while we identified different plant species along the trail and discussed Hiking/Outdoor safety on each stops. We hide under the shade of tall trees since the sun was high at that time. Each participants took on the very challenging ascent with full loads on their back, not minding the heat since we genuinely enjoyed each other’s company.

When we arrived camped we pitched our shelters, discussed a few more on camping basics and outdoor etiquittes. For dinner we ordered a boiling hot native chicken soup from the land owner and after socializing with everybody we slept like well-fed babies with warmness on our belly.

On Day 02: Everyone was up early, prepared our breakfast at dawn and just when the sun wad up we toured around camp. We went to the historical crash site of the late President Magsaysay then climbed the monolithic peak of Mt. Manunggal. The excitement and adrenaline rush tired the group so we went back at camp and had our last meal. We discussed a few more on Outdoor preparedness, Knot-tying skills, and taught everyone how to properly establish an Emergency shelter.

We then broke camp and prepared ourselves for another knee-breaking downhill hike heading back to Tabunan the same distance we took while ascending but this time it was on another trail heading to Guining Falls where the students cooled off for a few hours while waiting for the PUJ/Bus to pick us up.

It was fun while it lasted and we will never forget the adventures and “misadventures” shared by some of the most positive and enthusiastic minds in the outdoor community. We at SOSC will always look forward to sharing these kinds of experiences to the people, young and old, beginners and even with the well experienced outdoorsmen and women of Cebu.

2 thoughts on “Intro to Outdoors Program: Hike, Camp & Learn”

  1. Truly, the bisayang manok was a perfect reward after a long day of learning experience and adventure. ๐Ÿ˜€

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